Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Little About Me

Howdy! My name is Victoria! I love to draw, ride horses and be active. Art is something I really enjoy! I have taken art class at school each year from kindergarten to eighth grade, and I have taken after school art classes, too. Pencil drawing is my favorite kind of art because I can be very detailed with it. I typically enjoy drawing animals. Although, recently, I have been enjoying painting, as well. I like to paint more abstract things and landscape scences. I also love animals. I have three dogs (Brownie, Einstein, and Angel), one horse (Advocator), and a cat that is not technically mine, but I consider him to be my own (Simba). This past summer, I competed in a triathlon and a biathlon. Also, I have recently started my first season on the high school cross country team. I have one little sister, named Melanie, who is super awesome and outgoing. I am typically a very quiet person and my personality would be best described as an introvert. Also, I am a independent person and a member of my high school Student Council. I love being involved at school. These are just a few things about me. I look forward to sharing more thoughout the year!