Friday, October 26, 2012

Personal Expression #1

To create this image, I used text tool, live trace button, mask button, expand button, rectanngle tool, gradient tool, star tool, symbol sizer tool, and the symbol sprayer tool. I used vector effects to make the picture of myself look the way it does. The hardest parts of this project for me was coming up with the words and arranging them. The easiest part was doing the vector effects on the picture of myself. To do this project, I first started with the picture of myself and made it into a vector image. Then, I deleted some of the unneeded background pieces of the picture. Once my picture was completed, I used the gradient tool to help with the pink background. I used the star tool and the symbol sprayer tool to create and get the stars in the background. The symbol sizer tool was used to make the stars larger or smaller. Next, I began to type words that describe me. I chose a type face for them and positioned them on the image. (There is also another one of these images, similar but with less type faces)

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