Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Extra Credit

To create this pass, I started with the image on the left (front side of pass). I created a gradient mesh of different purples and a few other colors. I put this mesh on the top and bottom of the pass. Then, I used the pen tool to create the wavy line at the ends of the pass. I also added a gray rectangle to the pass. Next, I began with the text. I typed up all the words and chose a typeface for each group of words. I arranged them on the pass how I thought would be best and creative. Last, I added stars to the background. I created two different stars. Then, I dragged them into the symbol panel and made them a symbol. I used the symbol sprayer tool to add them to the image. Then, I used the symbol sizer tool to make them the size I wanted them to be on the pass.
For the right image (the back side of the pass), I began with a light purple rectangle for the background. I added four more rectangles to the pass, one gray and one purple, at each end. Next, I typed the "RR" for restroom. I made the "Rs" two different fonts. One is a large, solid "R" and the other is large but has some open space in the middle. I chose this open font to give me room to add glyphs in the open area. I typed up different glyphs and made them outlines. Then, I positioned them inside of the "R". Next, I typed up the rest of the imformation and choose a typeface for them. I choose the same type face for "Oualline", because I liked the typeface and wanted to tie together the two sides more. Lastly, I added two stars and some small circles to the top of the pass.

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