Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bomb--Fall Final (Victoria Evans)

To create this image, I used tools such as the pen tool, gradient tool, shape builder, pathfinder, blend tool, ellipse tool, and more. I first started with the background. I created a rectangle, and then I added a gradient to it. I made the gradient radial and then chose the colors for it. Next, I created the black ring. To do this, I made a circle and then scaled another circle, a little smaller, inside of the original circle. Then, I used  the shapebuilder tool to remove the inner circle which created the ring. Next, I typed the words using the type on path tool. To cut the letters out from the ring, I made the letters into outlines, used the pathfinder tool to divide, and then used the direct selection tool to delete the inside of the letters. Then, I made the stroke around the letters and ring thinner. Next, I created the bomb. I started with the ellipse tool to create the main part of the bomb. Then, I used the blend tool. I blended the bomb and a smaller lighter circle together towards the bottom of the bomb. I used the ellipse tool, again, to create a white circle in the right top of the bomb. I then scaled two more larger circles and changed the opacity on them. I used the ellipse tool to create the part of the bomb in the upper left corner and scaled a smaller black circle to go inside of it. I created a line, thickened its stroke, and added a gradient to it to be the wick. Then, I added another line with a gradient to go on the top of the wick. To create the light, I used the ellipse tool to make the middle circle and added a radial gradient to it using yellow and orange as the colors. I used the pen tool to create the light beam pieces and added a gradient to them, too. The hardest part of this assignment was cutting the text out of the ring, allowing you to see the purple background. The easiest part was creating the light because it was just making a small circle, a simple shape with the pen tool and then adding a gradient. I think my ending result turned out well. 

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