Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Veggie man

This is the image of the veggie man I created using Photoshop. I began with separate images of different veggies and ended with an image fill with them all. To start, I used the elliptical marquee tool to select the blueberry. Then, I used the move tool to position the blueberry inside of the carrot slice. This created an eye for the veggie man. I used the elliptical marquee tool to select the eye and then clicked the move tool. I held down Alt and moved the eye to the left side of the head. I dragged a copy of the eye to the right side of the head using Shift+Alt. I used the elliptical marquee tool to select the kiwi and dragged it to the melon to be the mouth. I selected the magic wand tool and clicked inside the pear tomato. Then, I selected all the parts of the pear tomato. Then, I held down control and dragged the tomato nose onto the face. I used the lasso tool to make selections around the bow tie pasta. I free handed some of it and held down Alt to create straight lines for other parts. Then, I added the bow tie to the melon. I used the lasso tool again to create a rough outline around the mushroom. Then used the Shift and Alt buttons to add and subtract pieces to get a better outline of the mushroom. With the magnetic lasso tool, I clicked the bottom left of the inside of a grapefruit and moved the mouse around the flesh to select this inside piece. I rotated and re-sized this piece to be the ear. Then, I duplicated it and reflected/transformed it. I selected the radish using the magic wand tool and Alt button. I moved it to the face and duplicated it and transformed it. Lastly, I cropped the face using the crop tool. The hardest part of this assignment was selecting the bow tie pasta with the lasso tool. The easiest part was doing the radishes because it was using one tool and just clicking.

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