Friday, January 25, 2013


To create this image, I first I found a picture of someone's feet. Then, I created butterfly shapes that would make up the tattoo design. I set it to soft light mode and placed the tattoo where I wanted it. Next, I created a displacement map and duplicated the image. I created a new layer, pressed shift-backspace and made it a neutral gray color. I switched to a blend mode of overlay and used the dodge tool to add highlights to the feet. I also duplicated that layer and switched to the burn tool to make areas darker. Then, I saved the displacement map, went back to the original image and brought up the tattoo. I converted to smart filters and made sure the tattoo was positioned where I wanted it. I went to Filter>Distort>Displace and tried different scale numbers and loaded the displacement map. Once I had the numbers that worked with the distortion best, I continued by using a layer mask to fix some pieces. I changed the mode to subtract and lowered the opacity. The hardest part of this tutorial was using the burn and dodge tools to add darkness and highlights because it was hard to tell where they should go. The easiest part was creating the butterflies that would make up the tattoo.

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