Friday, January 18, 2013

Compositing with Silhouettes

First, I loaded the luminosity as a selection and created a new Alpha channel. I set the Fill dialogs to white and changed the blending mode to overlay. Then, I created a new layer, chose Load Selection and selected Alpha 1 to fill the area with black. Next, I worked on the room image. I created a new adjustiment layer and chose hue/saturation, turned on the colorize checkbox and set the hue, saturation, and lightness. I used the move tool to drag an image over to the room image that would add texture. I desaturated the color, changed the mode to overlay and created a merged copy of the image. Then, I used the move tool to merge this layer into the original image. I positioned it in and added a layer mask. I added a gradient and drew out several gradients. I used the horizontal type tool to add text. Then, I used the single row marquee to make to sections of pixels white around the words. I added the words at the top. I clicked on the room layer and added a hue/saturation adjustment layer and changed the options making some areas bluer. Then, I used the brush too to clean up some of the hairs. The hardest part was adding the room image to the silhouette. I had to try several times before getting it to work correctly. The easiest thing was doing all the finishing touches and adding the text at the end. I liked this tutorial, but it was not one of my favorites.

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