Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cupcake Corner Logo

To create this logo, I mainly used the pen tool and the text tool. I started with the pen tool to create the icing. I used the text tool to type "CUPCAKE" and "Corner". I positioned the words where I wanted them. Then, I arched the word "CUPCAKE". I used the pen tool again to create the outline of the cupcake baking cup around "CUPCAKE" and made the outline connect to "Corner". I created the flower using the ellipse tool. I made a circle for the center and some ovals for the petals and arranged them in a flower shape. Lastly, I chose the colors for the logo. I used pink, yellow and white because that is what the company requested, and I thought they looked best positioned this way. I think the logo turned out well and is probably my favorite logo that I have created. The hardest part of creating the logo was getting the word "CUPCAKE" positioned correctly. The easiest parts were typing the words and making the baking cup outline.

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