Sunday, March 24, 2013

Marble Bust

I started off with the an image of myself. Then, I used the quick selection tool to isolate my photo, and I added a layer mask to it. I repeated these steps to the marble bust image. I created a new document and dragged both of the images into document and created a duplicate of each layer. Then, I positioned my image over the bust image. I made a selection around the image of me and inverted the selection. Then, I erased away the bust that stuck out. Next, I erased the edges of my image using  a soft edged eraser. I grabbed the duplicate bust and put it above me. Then, I selected me, inverted the selection, and removed all of the statue that was not covering me. I set an overlay and erased any hard edges. I merged all of the layers and desaturated them all. I faded the desaturation to about 40%. I repeated this process but faded it as an overlay at 100%. I pressed Ctrl+U to add color, and I changed the settings. To add more color, I made a new layer and filled it with purple. I used the fill tool for this. I made a selection around the statue and deleted everything that was not covering the statue. I set this layer to 20%. I next went to Layer>Adjustment layers>Photo filters and changed the the density to 25% and chose sepia. I chose a rocky texture and repeated the isolation process. Then, I set it to overlay at 15%, duplicated it, and set it to color. I added a Gaussian blur with a radius of 5px to get a nice smooth transition. I created a new layer and grabbed the brush tool. I painted with black around the shadows and white around the highlights. I applied a Gaussian blur with a radius of 4px. I set the painted layer to overlay and change the opacity. Using Ctrl+Shift+E, I merged all of the layers again. I opened up the picture of the museum and applied a Gaussian blur with a radius of 9px to it. I then opened up the pillar and isolated it with the Quick Selection tool. I moved the pillar and statue into the museum document and positioned them. Then, I applied the same color techniques that were applied the the bust to the pillar. I next grabbed the gold texture image to create a name plate for the statue. I dropped it onto the canvas and applied a Gaussian blur with a radius of 4px. I used the Transform tool to make it into a tiny rectangle and cleaned off the edges with the Marquee tool. I created a new layer for the blood. I started by drawing smooth lines onto the statue. I chose purple for my blood color because it is my second favorite color and is the school color. Then, I drew droplets of blood and added white and black to make them more 3-D. I added a highlight in each I and added a little purple to the eyes, too. Then, I drew more drips of blood from the eyes. I added blood all over the statue and on the pillar. This tutorial was okay. I was not one of my favorites, but I think my image turned out good. The hardest part was adding some the the color techniques and the easiest part was adding the blood.

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