Tuesday, April 30, 2013


To create this image, I used Photoshop. I first started with the background. I set a gradient to be the necessary colors for the background (browns). I also made it radial. I changed the texture of the background and added two textured photographs to contribute even more to it. I next used the rectangle marquee tool to create the white border around the picture, and I added a clouded effect to it. I also added noise, crosshatch, changed the hue/saturation, and a drop shadow. I added my cross country picture by using the marquee tool, free transform tool, and a couple combinations of buttons. I then changed the opacity of the picture, the distance, and the noise. A stroke with a pattern was also added. This pattern was used on the white border, too. I changed the hue/saturation. Next, I linked three layers and used the free transform tool to tilt the image. I copied the three Polaroid layers and did a layer merge. Then, I tilted the new copy of the image and changed its levels. I repeated these steps to create one more tilted copy. I think the hardest part was getting the layer to merge correctly and creating the tilted copies. The easiest part for me was setting up the background.

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