To begin, I selected the Elliptical Marquee Tool. I drew out an ellipse around my head and went to Image>Inverse. I made a Brightness/Contrast adjustment and drug the brightness slider to the right to darken the selection. Next, I duplicated my layer and applied a layer mask. I went to Filter>Lens Correction and adjusted the sliders. On the Layer Mask, I painted over the area in the photo I wanted to bring back. I created a new layer and selected the Gradient Tool. I selected radial gradient and drew out a gradient. Next, I changed the Blending Mode to Soft Light and brought down the layer's opacity. Again, I created a layer mask, and with black, painted back in some of the details of the picture. I duplicated my layer and used the Dodge and Burn Tools to lighten and darken areas of the picture. For example, I lightened my face a little. The hardest part of this tutorial was adding the gradient, because I took many tries to get it tool look correct. The easiest part was using the layer masks to paint back in some of the areas of the photograph.
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