Monday, September 3, 2012

Broadsided Poster

Picture from:

This poster shows many principles of design. The poster puts major emphasis on the words Houdini and Magical Revue, which are the most important words on the poster. This makes them stand out and catch your eye. The letters, especially in Houdini, are very bold and draw your attention to the poster. There are only seven letters in the word Houdini, but they are spread apart to take up the entire width of the poster. Also, the location and date are made bold to be very noticeable. The color of the paper makes it pop in comparison to a white paper. In addition, yellow would be very visible to someone from a distance. The poster is very consistent and balanced because the words are centered on the page. Overall, I think this poster is very bold and was made to get people's attention. It gets the most important points across by adding emphasis and color.

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