Friday, September 14, 2012


Above is a quote that I took and changed the fonts, sizes and shapes of the words. I chose to make some words like "film", "music" and "theme" a little bolder and bigger to bring emphasis to them. I felt that these were very important words in the quote. I made the word "theme" in an arch shape, because it reminds me of a title on a play advertisement. I typed "fiction" in a script font because I feel script is a great font to represent writing. I made "progression" go upward to compare the appearance of the word to what it means and show an illustration of it. I made the words "moods and feelings" in a fun, decrotive font because your moods and feelings are hopefully happy. Lastly, I did "later" going up and down to bring a different shape to the entire piece of typeography.
The remaining words I made a little smaller and in a more normal and simple font. I did this because the words still need to be present and reconized but maybe are not as important and interesting as some of the other words in the quote.
I really liked this project because it allowed me to explore typography and all the different things it offers. I feel that my image of the quote turned out very well, and I was pleased with my product.

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