Monday, September 24, 2012

The Seven Elements of Design

The Seven Elements of Design


Color is an element of design that can do many things for a picture. It can set a mood or tone. For example, if you use lots of warm colors, like red and orange, it can mean anger. To bring a relaxed mood, you might use blue. 


Lines are a very important element of design. They can be formed in all different ways. Such as straight, wavy, dotted, and curved. They help to make up all different shapes and make a picture complete.



Shapes make up figures. Underneath everything, basic shapes help create the way figures look. Different shapes consist of a different number of lines. In addition to lines, shapes are made up of a variety of number of points.


The element of form brings dimension to a piece. Without form, everything would be flat and not very interesting. Form takes basic shapes and makes them more appealing to the eye. Form brings shape to life.


Value brings contrast in a piece. Value is the range of color. It can help to show where items are located in the foreground, mid-ground or background of a piece. Having value brings attention to different details. If there was no range of value in a piece, you would not be able to tell items apart.


Texture brings depth to items. The appearance of an object's surface is the texture. Someone's eye would be drawn more to something that is textured than something that has a flat surface. Texture adds interest to the surface of an item.

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