Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Contrast Project
Link to Text Tutorial:

I used the same steps to edit the Taylor Swift picture as I used with the grunge picture. I did lower the opacity in some steps because her skin is very light. I also, applied most of the effects to her hair since it is a large textured area. To start, I duplicated the original picture layer. I changed that duplicate layer to screen mode and then held down the Alt key and pressed the masked icon. I changed the opacity to 30% and painted with white on the eyes to show the screen layer. Then, I did a stamp copy of this, changed mode to hard light, and desaturated the colors by pressing Shift>Ctrl>U. I added a mask, and painted in black with about 30% opacity on some of the highlight areas. Again, I did a stamp copy layer, then added a high pass effect, and changed the mode to hard light. Next, I pressed Alt and clicked on mask icon. Using a white brush and a 50 % opacity, I painted on the textured areas. Again, I made a stamp copy, selected multiply mode, and created a white mask, and painted with black at 30% to bring back some of the underneath layers in the face. Then, I added a desaturated stamp copy, changed to hard light, Alt clicked on the mask layer button, and painted over sharped areas. I clicked on the brightness/contrast button and pressed Alt>Ctrl>Invert. Then, I painted with white all around on the background to bring more focus on the face. I changed it to black and white and changed some of the settings. I used the brightness/contrast button again to brighten the portrait up. I then inverted it and painted with a soft brush. Another stamp copy was used, I went to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, changed the settings a little and added that effect. I put a mask on and changed the blend mode to soft light. Following that, I painted some of the middle of the face with a soft, black brush at 60%. I added a new layer and selected an orange color. I filled the layer with the selected orange by pushing Alt>Backspace, changed the mode to color, and brought the opacity down. I added a stamp copy layer, then went to Filter>Other>High Pass and changed the mode to hard light. I then Alt clicked on the mask layer button to bring up a black filled mask. Finally, I painted the textured areas with white. I liked this tutorial. The hardest part was figuring out how to do the invert. On the other hand, the easiest part was making all the stamp copies, because it was an easy key combination. In addition, it was a repeated step so it was easy to learn and remember.
To create text, I first began  by using the text tool to type "Taylor Swift" in black letters. I then selected a typeface. I added many effects to the text. These include a drop shadow, inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss, contour, and color overlay. I went through each of these effects and changed the settings. These effects give the text a gel look. I chose to make the text red because it goes nicely with the black and white picture. Also, her most recent album is red. I really liked this text tutorial.

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