Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Text Transformation


I first started by creating a new document and filling the background with a blue color. I then used the brush tool to paint a darker blue around the edges of the document. Next, I took the Horizontal Type tool and typed my name. Then, I changed the parameters of the text. I positioned the letters and copied them in a darker blue to put as a shadow underneath. I added an outer glow to the darker letters. Then, I added an inner shadow, inner glow, outer glow, and gradient overlay to the top letters. Next, I added a satin effect to the last letter. I created a new layer and added a shadow behind the letters using the Brush Tool. I then created an ellipse, changed its parameter, and gave it an inner shadow. An ellipse like this was added to each letter. Lastly, I created bubbles by using two ellipses. One ellipse had an inner shadow and the other had a gradient overlay. Both of the shape's layer have an opacity at 0%. I then copied the bubbles, positioned them, and used the transform tool to size them. I really like the way the text came out. I think this was a fun tutorial. The hardest part was getting the bubbles to work the way I wanted them to. The easiest part was setting up the background.

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