Wednesday, February 13, 2013

High Pass

To change this image, I first made a copy (Layer 1) of the original image shown at the top. Then, I went to Filter>Other>High Pass and changed the radius to about 33. Next, I changed the blend mode of the layer to hard light. I copied layer 1 and then copied that layer to add more contrast to the image. Next, I lowered the opacity of the new layer. I created a new layer filled with a 50% gray and with a mode of hard light. I then went to Filter>Noise>Add Noise. I set the Distribution option to Gaussian, checked the Monochromatic option, and set the amount of noise to about 4%. I added an adjustment layer and lowered its saturation to 40%. I liked this tutorial because it was a fun and quick way to change a picture up and make it a little more interesting. The hardest part was deciding how much to lower the saturation. The easiest part was duplicating the layers.

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